Municipal Grant Program Guidelines
for Submitting an Application for 2025 Projects


The Municipal Grant Program (MGP) provides grants for capital projects and public improvements. MGP funds may be used for projects consistent with the Pennsylvania Race Horse and Development Gaming Act of 2004, as amended by the Act of October 30, 2017, P.L. 419 (the “Act”). The MGP was created by the Act from language introduced by Senator Robert M. “Tommy” Tomlinson and provides grants to eligible municipalities for projects which, in the judgment of the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Bucks (the “Authority”), comply with the provisions of the Act. Care in preparation of the application will assist the Authority in its processing.


The only eligible applicants are:

  • Bensalem Township
  • Bristol Borough
  • Bristol Township
  • County of Bucks
  • Hulmeville Borough
  • Langhorne Borough
  • Langhorne Manor Borough
  • Lower Southampton Township
  • Middletown Township
  • Penndel Borough

ALL applications must include a resolution from an eligible municipality listed above.

The deadline to submit applications to the Authority is MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 – 4:30 P.M. (The electronic application portal will close at 4:30p.m. on September 30, 2024. You will NOT be able to submit an application after the portal closes.)

ALL Applicants must complete and submit the application electronically utilizing the Municipal Grant Program – 2024 Application for 2025 Projects. The electronic application is available on the Redevelopment Authority website located at

Projects must be completed by December 31, 2025.

Applicants submitting more than one application may submit a cover letter to the Redevelopment Authority listing the municipality’s priority of applications. The letter can be uploaded with the application submission or submitted separately to Redevelopment Authority staff.

Municipalities will have the opportunity to make a presentation to help the Redevelopment Authority understand the projects and the municipality’s priority of applications.

Questions regarding the application should be submitted in writing via letter or email to the attention of Ellen Burns ( No oral interpretations will be given.

The Application

It is the intent of the application process to cover all necessary issues that will need to be reviewed during the various stages of the approval process and avoid frustration later with requests for more information. Please review all the information, answer all aspects of the application completely and provide all exhibits required.

NOTE: Access to the electronic application is password protected. Each municipality has been assigned unique log-in credentials to access the electronic application. The log-in credentials are only provided to the eligible municipality.

Submission of Application

The Applicant must complete and submit the application electronically utilizing the e-application for the Municipal Grant Program – 2024 Application for 2025 Projects located at The Redevelopment Authority will open the e-application portal annually in mid-August. All applications must be submitted via e-application by 4:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time on the closing day of the application which is the last business day of September.

The following MUST be submitted for the application to be processed:

  1. Project Sources and Uses Table (Form is available for download via the e-application)
  2. Project cost verification documentation
  3. Gaming Impact narrative
  4. Resolution by governing body of the eligible municipality submitting the application

If applicable, Applicants should include relevant documentation such as plans, permits, letters from appropriate planning agency, funding commitment letters for other funding sources, etc.

All documents should be submitted electronically through the e-application as stated above.

Section I | Eligible Municipality (Applicant)

The only eligible applicants are Bensalem Township, Bristol Borough, Bristol Township, County of Bucks, Hulmeville Borough, Langhorne Borough, Langhorne Manor Borough, Lower Southampton Township, Middletown Township and Penndel Borough.

Section II | Project Information

Project Title: Provide a project title. The project title will be used to refer to your project throughout the review process.

Project Location: Provide the actual address of the project site. If this project involves more than one site, please provide the requested information in the project description.

Intended Use of Funds: Check the appropriate boxes to describe how the grant will be used.

Project Description: Provide a brief summary of the project (1-2 paragraphs).

Permits/Approvals: If applicable, indicate any permits/approvals that are needed for your project and list those required for the project. If permits/approvals are required but have not been obtained, provide the expected approval date.

Other Funding Available: Indicate whether other funding is available for the project. Provide a brief narrative and detail efforts to secure funding from other sources.

Project Cost/Grant Request: Enter the total project cost and the amount of the grant request. Note these figures must match the figures in the Project Sources and Uses Table in Section VI.

Section III | Project Narrative

Upload a typewritten narrative that is detailed and provides a comprehensive description of the project. The following checklist will assist you with the completion of this section:

  • Give a complete project description that details how the project will provide a benefit or improvement to the community
  • Identify what the project will entail and the specific problem(s) to be addressed
  • Provide an in depth scope of work including project schedule, key milestones and dates (NOTE: ALL PROJECTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY DECEMBER 31, 2025)
  • A concise and detailed breakdown of each cost item identified in the Project Budget must be provided.
    • For projects involving vehicle acquisition, consideration will be based on Co-Stars pricing for the base vehicle. Costs for vehicle up-fit and equipment must be detailed and itemized.
  • Present the long and short term benefits of the project and provide practical evidence to support claims (i.e. surveys, studies, research, citizen participation, etc.)
  • If there are urgent conditions related to the project, please explain them. For example, a window of opportunity that will not exist in the future, a health and/or safety issue or hazardous condition that needs to be addressed quickly, loss of important resource, etc.
  • If project is for the purchase of machinery and/or equipment, the useful life of machinery and/or equipment to be acquired must be provided. If applicable, include a description of machinery and/or equipment being replaced.

Section IV | Gaming Impact

Applications must demonstrate the connection between the project and one or more impacts associated with gaming facility operations. All applications must explain how the project addresses an impact or impacts on the community associated with the gaming facility operations.

Section V | Community Involvement

Describe how the project is consistent with local, regional, state and/or federal plans, or will address local, state and/or federal priorities.

Describe the level of public participation involved with your project.

If your project requires engineered plans but plans are not approved, you should submit concept plans with your Project Narrative, and be sure to provide a date for completion of plans in the project narrative or project time-table.

Section VI | Project Sources & Uses Table

Download the Project Sources & Uses Table provided in the e-application. Using the form, identify all sources of funds for the project. List the Municipal Grant Program funds in the first column and any matching funds from the municipality in the second column. Identify all other sources of funding for the project in the remaining columns. Subtotal all line items and funding sources where indicated. Do not use cents when calculating the budget amounts. Use the fifth column to total each line item. DO NOT ENTER NUMBERS IN SHADED AREAS. If an amount is placed in the “OTHER” category, specify what the funding will be used for. The Municipal Grant Total and the Project Total must match the amount listed in Section II. Upload the form when complete.

Section VII | Basis of Cost

Check the appropriate box or boxes to indicate the basis of the project costs and upload copies of all items checked.

NOTE: For vehicle acquisitions, consideration will be according to Co-Stars pricing for the base vehicle. Costs for vehicle up-fit and equipment must be detailed and itemized.

Section VIII | Certification

This page must be completed by an authorized representative of the ELIGIBLE MUNICIPALITY identified in Section I and must be signed by the authorized representative of the ELIGIBLE MUNICIPALITY.

Section IX | Resolution

Upload a copy of the fully executed resolution by governing body of the eligible municipality submitting the application.


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