Brownfields Submission Form

Help us collect Bucks County Brownfield Site Data by submitting properties located within your community. Use the Learn More and Submit button to enter property data to be added to our catalogue.


Assisting municipalities, businesses, private developers, and homeowners in the County of Bucks


The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Bucks was created in 1962, empowered by Act 385, more commonly known as the “Urban Redevelopment Law”, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Authority assists municipalities, businesses, private developers, and homeowners located in the County of Bucks, in the rehabilitation of blighted and deteriorated properties and reuse of abandoned or underutilized industrial, commercial and residential sites.

A Message from our Chairman

Hello and welcome to the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Bucks website. We’re dedicated to revitalizing and strengthening communities across Bucks County. We invite you to browse our site and learn more about how we’re working to improve Bucks County. If you have any questions, our staff is ready to assist you.

– Ralph DiGuiseppe, Chairman of the Board”

Enterprise Zone

The state designated Enterprise Zone addresses deteriorated, distressed, and blighted industrial and manufacturing areas.

Bucks County Blight Abatement Program

Does your community suffer from blighted properties?
Check out the video below, and learn how the Redevelopment Authority can help better your municipality today.

Current Projects by the Redevelopment Authority

Let us help you plan for the future of our county.

Providing additional incentives to encourage business expansion and redevelopment

We can provide oversight and management of your construction project.

Learn more about how the redevelopment authority can help you.

The agenda for the February 21, 2025 meeting of the Board of Directors can be found here.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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